Faith Stepping Stones


Faith Stepping Stones is faith based parenting education from cradle to high school graduation through eight short-courses, which pull parents into the role of primary faith mentors for their own children every night through blessing, prayer, scripture, Highs & Lows, and faith dialogue (FAITH 5).

Questions? Contact Tracy Krueger at tr***********@sp********.org or 262-377-4659, Ext. 105.

Stone 3: Entry into School (Kindergarten families)

This is a three week class geared towards parents of children entering kindergarten, that covers the physical, emotional, and spiritual development of children at this age. This class will be taught on Wednesdays, August 28, September 4 and 11 from 6-7:15pm in the Youth Room.

Sign up:

Questions? Contact Tracy Krueger at tr***********@sp********.org or 262-377-4659, Ext. 105.