Extended Care

Director's Notes 9.20.24

Happy Friday! 
   We have been loving the warm weather and the extra time we have gotten to enjoy outside.  This week we talked about Noah's Ark and got to play with animals and water a lot this week.  We also had lots of fun doing a Sink or Float Experiment. See some updates below:
- PreK Extended Care has had several students out this week with fevers, rash, and diarrhea.  If your child is feeling unwell or complaining of illness, please be on the lookout for these symptoms and keep them home until they are completely symptom free for a full 24 hours without the use of medication.
- PreK Extended Care students will start packing up their nap items every day next week.  Please send a stable, labeled bag to hold their belongings.

- Ms. Kim is on vacation and she returns the first full week of October. I will be helping cover with daily activities and not as prompt with email responses as usual.  

- Clipboards for After Care sign out will be outside with the staff, please make sure to see a staff member to you sign your child out.
- Schedule Change fees of $5 will be charged if you change your child's schedule during the day and do not let us know prior to 8:00 am as stated in the Parent Handbook.  
- See the flyer posted by the AM sign in sheets about the St. Paul hosted Pumpkin Farm event next week. 
Have a wonderful weekend!